Thursday, June 21, 2007

Another 9 (or 10) years, another 100 movies

The American Film Institute has released its new, updated list of the best 100 movies, nine years after releasing its original list in 1998 (although it's the "10th anniversary" list -- no one ever said moviemakers were good at math). No surprise that Citizen Kane is still No. 1 -- but there are a few eyebrow-raising big moves: Raging Bull up from 24 to 4, Vertigo up from 61 to 9, The Searchers up from 96 to 12.

Four newer films made the cut: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring at 50 (big thumbs up), Saving Private Ryan at 71 (thumbs up again); Titanic at 83 (ehhhh) and The Sixth Sense at 89 (huh?).

Another new addition is one of my favorites and a major oversight the first time around, Spike Lee's Do the Right Thing (96).

Among the dropouts: Doctor Zhivago, Dances With Wolves and The Jazz Singer. I love Dances With Wolves, but I fear Costner's stock is really down these days.

On the other hand, Martin Scorsese (Raging Bull) is really reaping the goodwill associated with his Lifetime Achievement Award oops I mean Best Picture Oscar earlier this year. Hollywood just loves Marty right now.

As you can tell I'm a sucker for lists like this, although AFI has kind of turned these into kind of a cheap cottage industry. Let's see: "100 Years, 100 Stars," "100 Years, 100 Laughs," "100 Years, 100 Film Scores" -- it was either start over or they'd be down to "100 Years, 100 Fart Jokes."

UPDATE: Roger Ebert asks: "What? No Fargo?" It was No. 84; now it's off the list. Grrrr.