Sunday, February 25, 2007

A white carpet for Oscar day

The big day has arrived, and to celebrate, we got about a foot of snow here in the Twin Cities overnight. As much as 13.4 inches was reported in St. Paul, but here at Oscar Central it looks more like 9 or 10. Hard to tell with all that blowing and drifting, dontcha know.

We're still shoveling our way out, but that's not to say we won't be ready for The Big Show. Let's go over the preflight checklist:

Sony LCD widescreen HDTV: Check.

Comcast/Motorola DVR, key for rewinding after those "Oh no you didn't!" moments: Check.

Remote control with two fresh AA batteries: Check.

12-inch PowerBook with Wi-Fi for live in-front-of-the-TV blogging: Check.

OK. Good to go. Check back here about 6:30 p.m. and we'll get it cranked up. See you then!

Now back to shoveling...

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